Influencer marketing: a new reality of marketing


Today the are more influencer, that influence the world and the media, with their video that, they talk about different argument for example: make-up, vlog and restaurant, that they make a comment and a review to this restaurant and accomplished the follower to go in this restaurant.

The public believe anything that they sponsor in their pages, because if their receive a discount doing that the follower know this discount to sell the products, and the some time make popular the brand that they are make the sponsor, and increase the marketing for the brand, that you inside the people to buy.

This a modern system to sell the products for the brands and to do marketing though the influencer, and the social media can permit to achieve more people, that can do the television and the journal, because more people mowdays buy anything on Internet, and especially young people, that are more digilized and more conncted with the social media.

This new reality is a new method, that can develop in the future, because the influencer are the they are a real myths in the next future.
