It’s changed the way to consult news


The different type of social media, that we can use in the daily life are different, because during the years are developed and incresed in number, but the most used today is TikToK, above all between teeneger and young people.

But today the people can consult information from the social media, for example Facebook and Twitter, even if it is today almost disappeared, because of Twitter is an old social, that few person have a profile, because the new novelty, that the people can subscrire a subscription, to pay for the blue logo.

Today, Instagram is more useful for post photography, short story or video to showthis we can do in our daily life, but it’s not useful for consult news, and people are more related to use the Instagram and TikTok, where the majority people they are addressing,  can permite to interact with the follower in real time.


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