The artificial intelligence send home models


The future of the production of the e-commerce for the world of fashion, it seems to go towards only one path: images generated by the artificial intelligence. Probably, this road, it will across with the products 3D models,  completely cutting the shot with the camera. They exist differents option, for those who want to "dematerialize" the study. Here's one, that it will probably in the future, it will be talked about that. 

Let's consider Vmake AI: where people can load, the shot makes with the mannequin, the you choose the models from a gallery, and the worn shots are generated. If we don't find in the database the models, that we like, we can customize them, with a few click, or with a few tens of euros, we obtain the possibility to charge the images of a real person, and create a model, that we can use as many times as we want. 

And the right of the models?

In this regards it will be interesting to unserstand as the rights to use the images, given that the person's physiognomy, barring excessive distortions, will be pratically the same as that used for the service. How noticeable the change should be of the physics characteristics to demostrate, that the image created, it is unprecedented result of artificial intelligence, is that therefore no longer the original model who posed for the shot? 


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